
How does it work?

We have collected millions of data points from hospitals, insurance companies, and users like you to help predict how much your next medical bill will be. We untangle the confusing pricing schemes so you don’t have to.
Over 26 million charges at your fingertips
Find the lowest price at nearby hospitals
Save money on your next medical bill
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Prices are available from
hospitals in the following cities:


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Compare prices at local hospitals near you

Find out how much a specific procedure may cost with your insurance plan or status. A simple search with your insurance and ZIP code shows you the most relevant prices for you.


Browse crowdsourced data at your fingertips

Published price lists from hospitals create the foundation of our results, but our data also contains verified costs from real patient bills. Read reviews from fellow patients about their experiences with your local hospital.


Securely store healthcare information

We are implementing bank-level security, 256-bit encryption to securely store your data in ways that even we cannot access your information. Soon, you will be able to have all your medical information in one place.